Apologies if anyone has burst into tears.
I don't know of any famous dead muppets.
I think they're all ok.
No one wants to read a blog post that makes them weep in the corner for hours.
But the jacket I made for Nu looks very much like a muppet was skinned.
It could have been a Fraggle.
As far as I'm concerned they are mostly expendable.
It will eventually be a jacket. But for now it is a vest.
I got wooed by the super tactile faux muppet purple fabric.
But, it's almost summer.
Hear that weather God's and Goddesses? IT'S ALMOST SUMMER!
So, I'll road test it as a vest and add the sleeves later.
What 7 month old doesn't need a purple pimp jacket?
Action shot to follow, these shots eat shorts.
Update: There are no 'action' shots when a kid doesn't even crawl yet.
Do you think she's mocking me?
That's fair.