
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

L is for...

I am playing along with Katy from as she
Sews through the 26 letters of the alphabet
This week's stitches are inspired by the letter "L".

Lightly Loved!

I belong to this fun group of women,
who for more than ten years have been 
hosting and participating in a clothing swap.


It' super fun! 
Everyone brings things that no longer work
 for them, and with someone new
their threads find a second wind.
Anything left over after the munchies, wine, and Mock-Walk-Off 
(If there's say a Hot item) 
Gets donated to a women's shelter.

Fun, feel good, frugal, fashion, & friendship.
(Perhaps this should have been an "F" post).

Well, this women' skirt had a life
with my friend Jess.
Then I think my friend Nina was tagged to give it some wings.
And many swaps ago when it was put out to pasture,
I thought...
"I've got thousands of daughters,
 a giant pink skirt can find a home with us".


But then time marched on and I did nothing.
And so this most recent swap, I brought it back
with the hope that someone else
would claim this pretty lady.

And no one did.

I was cleaning up the rejects
 and bagging them for the donation bin,
when I swept her up again.

The very next day I did bad things to this beautiful skirt.
I hacked it.
I sewed it straight up the middle.

I ran it thought my serger and broke a needle
I sewed both layers together.
So many crimes committed against this innocent frock!


But in the end.
A pink skirt for the wiggliest girl who loves it with abandon.

And the biggest sister likes it too!

It isn't perfect to be sure, 
but I love the idea that this fabric,
these stitches added to by me,
has another chance at adventure.

 I also love that Nu is swishing around in the same tulle
danced in by her auntie Jessie, and hemmed up by her Auntie Nina.

I love the reuse, up cycle possibilities of things well loved.
 I also get seduced by fabric shops and all the new flashy amazing fabrics out there.


What' s a stitcher to do?

(Everyone looks pasty and walking dead in these
shots, because we are.
Stomach flu?
Then a run-of-the-mill-cold
that makes Nu wake everyone and party at 3am?
"L" is also for "lick."
As in:
 "Don't lick your sister with your cooties!".
Word to the wise)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

K is for...

I am playing along with Katy from as she
Sews through the 26 letters of the alphabet
This week's stitches are inspired by the letter "K".
I am so relieved that I had this post in the can,
having finished it last week.
Because this week I either had
a) stomach flu or
b) food poisoning brought on by...
suspect seaweed !!
It therefore seems apt that this week is
fish inspired.

(Oh how I love a little one in dappled sunlight!)
A simple little peasant frock for Yu.

And now I'm off to stare at my own feet.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

J is for...jump!

I am playing along with Katy from as she
Sews through the 26 letters of the alphabet.
This week's stitches are inspired by the letter "J".
See these guys here:
Yup those are the ones.
You can dress them up,
but they are still very wiggly.
And these ones: Leap-y too.
This cheeky monkey,
very much,
to jump.
To climb,
to leap
onto and off of things,
 even people.
(Rae pants, with Anna Maria  Horner Lou Lou Thi fabric)  
I guess most kids do.
This one,
started very slowly with the jumping
and now she's making up for lost time.
These two egg each other on.
There are puddles,
and leaves,
and life
to be jumped into.
It's going pretty slow and fast this kid thing.
You jump on each other,
and out jumps a baby.
Then (in my case) two more.
And then you spend looooong minutes
and short years
  jumping from
baby to toddler to teen etc.
From what I understand,
you jump down, turn around and it's all over.
I'm all for the leaping, and jumping.
I find myself jumping
from little questions to big ideas,
and of course jumping through
weird technicolour internal hoops
of my own
In the flurry of leaping from moment to moment
there is not much down time to contemplate it all.
I'd like to stick all the good stuff in a bag
and carry it into my dotage.

I'd love to later,
when I'm batty and crotchety
reach into all these potent moments
 that feel like they are leaping at jet speed into the ether-
and braid them into my memory.
I'd love to slow down all the Little's big jumps,
and watch them again in slow-mo.
And then,
I'd like to lift my feet
fall back and jump into the place
 that catches us all.





Saturday, November 2, 2013

I is for...Indecision & Inexperienced

I am playing along with Katy from as she
Sews through the 26 letters of the alphabet.
Today is inspired by "I".
Little Nu is such a wild child.
Covered in bruises and bumps as she
ricochets off the world and
leaps from each adventure she sees.

I'm always inclined to tuck her in
a little tighter than her sisters.

Or, in this case swaddle her
in the softest of Rae's Fanfare flannel.

She doesn't notice life's bruises,
she's too busy having fun.
I hope that stands just a little bit
for the emotional bumps
that life will inevitably bring.
The idea of wrapping up my leaper in
something soft when I send her out
into the fates, brings me a little comfort.

That's one of the pleasures of making art
with fabric.
Instead of a painting hanging on a wall,
these little fabric creations go on adventures.

They stay with my favorite people
even when I don't.
In preschool, at nap time.
I like to think that in a life full
of decisions and indecisions,
when the Shorties
 are thinking about planting seeds
or hauling life out by its roots...
these little fabric co-pilots
that I make with my inexperienced stitches,
will wrap them in
love, and comfort.

And possibly reflect a little bit of
mom's love and lightest thoughts
to soften the path.