
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

My paintings always like visitors at

Friday, October 26, 2012

For the love of the little's littlest

 I love this kid.
And she looooooves this doll.
Today as we made our way to her little 2.5 hour
preschool dressed as a chicken
(that could just be a regular day,
but it happened to be Halloween specific)
she burst into tears
because her doll got wet in the rain.

I asked her if she wanted me to make her a rain cape.

The answer was YAAASSSS!!!

Did I mention I love this kid?
Off to pick up the chicken :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Back to your normally scheduled programming

ric rac,
and a button cluster.
(plus one cheeky monkey).
Add another little cluster of my KCWC
And that's a wrap.
It's possible I'm missing something,
besides sleep.
Beyond the sewing and shooting I
tried to be a social media person...
for 2 seconds.
That was enough.
I tweeted (excuse me)
I facebooked and flickered and downloaded 'apps'.
I pinned and uploaded and downloaded
some more.
I know I didn't Instagram,
and that seems to be the thing of the moment
(at least it was a moment ago).
But seriously, I needed time for chocolate.
Thanks for playing along.



Sunday, October 14, 2012

KCWC: Day 7, the Final Day

Well that was exhausting!
Another pair of pants for Nu.

And then I cut a shirt for Pu,
it became clear that since it was jersey
 it was MASSIVE.
So for a brief second I thought it was for me...
Alas, boobs.
The shirt won't lie

A little more elastic
and then it's into rotation for the shorties.
It's mildly sorrowful, because I only had the tiniest
part of the bottom beautiful Japanese fabric.
It was one miiiiiiiiillion dollars
(and, I'm just cheap on a Wednesday)
Sewing, shooting photos, blogging,
uploading to Pinterest and Flicker,
and learning these platforms simultaneously.
I'm sleepy now.
But, that was fun.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

KCWC Day 6

More pockets please mum?
She may have even used that face.
(It looks like someone stole her puppy)

her puppy is fine.

So are her pants!

this little girl is busy racing through life,
not photographs.

Late at night, too late,
I scrawled "little girl you rock"
 with free motion script.

It pretty much looks like a serial killer wrote it,
No points for penmanship.
Definite points for last minute dash to
the imaginary finish line in my head.
Long may you rock!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

KCWC: Day 5. Would you like some fries with that shake?

 Oh she looks innocent enough...

but this bootie is on the move.

Up the stairs any chance she gets.

She has a little buddy who need his can
covered too.

I built in some permanent pocket pals...

which made for an unruly 'photo shoot'.
( more like a photo fling)

I guess it was a little odd that I de-panted her.

But she's used to a little odd.
She's got me after all.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

KCWC Day 3 : More tops baby.

As part of KCWC I whipped off another top.

It has become clear (again) that Pu will no longer
conform to my sewing will.

So Nu and Yu will have to be my sewing victims.

The dress I posted this week, will unlikely be worn again.

So, deeply in love with the material,
I added it to this shirt for Nu.

Perfect beach combing attire.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

KCWC Day 3: Oh sweet girl, you are awesome.

Another top for KCWC!

Though Pu is our model,
she won't wear this.

So it's for Nu, who couldn't care less.

I added a little embroidery and free motion message

along the hem.

"oh sweet girl

you are awesome!"

KCWC Fall 2012: Day 2 Echino Dress

Made this at the beginning of the week,
but forgot to post it :)


It's been busy in my land of stitch & shorties.
I love the Echino fabric sooo...

And instead of hoarding it forever as
part of KCWC

I decided to dig in.

And then I couldn't help add a little
vintage lace, and a button to hide my
last minute additions mis-stitches.

Pu, the reluctant model
wore the dress,
and as evidenced above spilled food on it.
Now if only I can get her to do it again! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

KCWC Fall 2012: Day 1


Sew for one hour, everyday for 7 days.

In celebration of KCWC fall 2012 over at

I'm cutting.

And sewing.

And snapping.

And slapping...things up on the blog.

Threads are dangling,

photos are blurry,

And wiggly girls


 new pants.

to wiggle in.