
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

My paintings always like visitors at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I've been on a little sewing tear...

I can't stop making stuff.

Last night it was skirts.
Poppies for the tallest of the shorties.

So simple, so festive.

For me it was tattered flowers

on good old canvas.

I've decided my mom uniform is all
about the skirt these days.

Pockets to be added later.

This is the other part of my uniform.
Crazy arm warmers?
Shawl/ Cowl/ Funky nursing hideout?

Bathroom photography
complete with empty toilet roll?
Ah check check.

Then there is skirt-tastic.

This is my favorite so far
but I haven't tried it on the girly whirl yet,
so I will leave you with some mystery photos.

Is it an Xmas gift or just a skirt?

In the spirit of keeping it simple
I'm not into a huge pile of
presents under the tree for the little ones.

So maybe, this will just be a Dec skirt.
In which case, photos to follow.

Happy Ho Ho

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A little gifting.

A wee bit of handmade for the holidays.

Stuffed animal blankets & sleeping bags
IPhone cases/ wallets
and snugly baby blankets.


I also mailed off the package for
Lynne, winner of the SMS giveaway.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's beginning to look like Xmas!!!

Rudolph came to visit.

Lights are a-glow.

Letters to Santa have been written
& received
(Thank YOU Canada Post)

Family here, and sadly gone.

Cheer in all shapes and sizes.
Including the less traditional
jellyfish cheer.

From a place of crafty appreciation,
these jellyfish origami lights

Nice moves Aquarium.

Back on dry land...
Something wool on the hook.

Fast and friendly.
Quick and dirty.

Another shrug/ cowl/ neck warmer
wrap-y thing.

Modelled here by the lovely Futchie
and her cutie mini.

It's cozy time.

Let's snuggle people.

Monday, December 12, 2011

From Me He-He

A simple A-line skirt

I actually used a skirt I have to copy the pattern.

And I did it really quickly, and cheated...

But here's the thing...

This is the back,
or side, it works all those ways.

And a little boiled wool pocket
with lots of buttons.

It makes me grin.

P.S. Don't forget to enter the SMS giveaway to
win cool handmade stuff
and visit some new crafty kids.

And, you can enter my giveaway here

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Sentimental Sparkle Skirt

Lately if I get any sewing done
it has to be quick and dirty.

No measure twice, cut once over in these parts.

We've had an event over here that needed a sparkle skirt.

Here in bedlum big things have been happening.

Monuments have been built.
(mostly out of playdough)
Bench marks have been notched.
(the Dog took the blame)

And Pu has lost her first tooth.

I'm feeling very sentimental about the whole thing really.

I feel like being a parent is all about movement and change.
The velocity of it all makes me spin.

Mostly in sparkly skirts.

Already I'm aware how fast the blur is going.
And some days I need a reminder of the sparkle in the moment
soon that moment is gone and another one
is racing towards us.

I know life will be full of moments of love, action, achievement
and challenge. 
Chaos and rapture.
Divinity and Disco.

At least I hope so.

This marker.
This first lost tooth.

 It's the first definitive sign of growing up.

There will be more.

Some fancier. Some involving diploma's or parties.
But this one little baby tooth.

It has chomped a giant bite out of my heart.

Giveaway Day is Coming this Monday

UPDATE: The Giveaway is now closed.
Thanks for playing!

 Congrats to Lynne who's mustache heckle won the day!

Every once in a while
Sew Mama Sew hosts a giveaway.

My offering this round is one of two things.

Choice #1: A jersey spiral scarf from the
Anne Kata design.
It works as a hair band or belt, is soft and a lovely accessory to
jazz up an outfit.

Pick plum, grey or robin's egg blue.

It works on kids

Or kids at heart.

Or, pick Choice #2.

A re purposed burlap and canvas fabric basket.

It's reversible.
Use it as a wee hand bag or to collect those things that need collecting.

Come back to visit on Monday Dec 12th and leave a comment
telling me
the best thing you've ever heard a kid say.

I'll pick the one I like the best :)
I'll ship internationally.

Then go check out all the other great giveaways via
 Sew, Mama, Sew

If you like what you see
new followers are always welcome.

Our Lynne said the following
as she suffered this indignity from a shorty:

"My son asked me the other night while I was giving him a bath whether he would have a mustache like me some day.

Niiiiiiiiiiiice. :)
Beautiful scarves... Keeping my fingers crossed."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Quicky I Phone Case

Not much intrigue in that title.

You'll never guess what I made.

Handy, and a wee bit dandy.

Baby Acid Trip

We have this awesome IKEA toy.

It hangs over the baby and she/he can stare up at toys
and eventually begin to reach for them.

Considering there is a ring, they might even be
able to swing themselves up and work on a dismount with a flourish.

I guess it all depends on how long they lie there.

Well, my kid quickly got tired of staring at the same old shapes...

...and patterns.

So I made some new ones.

Little Yu is most excellent.
Meanwhile, she doesn't like to be anywhere,
except on my shoulder.

This makes showering tricky.

However, she likes these ever changing visuals.

I can swap them up when she gets bored.

These ones are multi-layered and reversible.

They swing, they dangle and they allow
 me a few more minutes of shower.

Oh sweet hot water how my love endures.