
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The stitchery continues

Well, I'm newly addicted to this little stitchery wizardry.

Fast, fun, easy.

And, while I'd rather be punk rock,
I can't dismiss the sweet in these little hoops.

My stitch writing is still reminiscent of a serial killer.

Or a 3 yr old.

Or a 3 yr old serial killer.

Perhaps one who just kills bugs,

and can handle the contradiction
of life being so sweet and so full of smushing simultaneously

On an unrelated detour,

If you are genetically related to my sweetie
don't look any further

A little pile of homemade stocking stuffers hit the mail today.
The heart pin above was inspired by one I saw at Smoking Lily a few years ago.
Only theirs was nicer.
They rock.


  1. very sweet indeed (especially for a 3year old serial killer!) :)

  2. Beautiful! I can't believe no-one else has said that yet!

  3. thanks for the comment love sweet chicks! hope you are festing this season!
