
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Evesdropping Shirt, a frock, & more bag

This is my latest endeavour.
It's for ME!
It has a different front and back.
The hard of hearing side
(who? who?)

And the more traditional fancy pants side

Excuse the typically terrible late night, in the mirror snaps

One of my favorite parts is on the side where the two different patterns meet

This would be the perfect outfit for spying.
Walk in with one shirt on and walk out with the other.

It's important to plan ahead for any future career change.

The top is adjustable
 and can be gathered or made to slide wide (to cover pesky bra straps)
or bunch in the front or back for a little racer back action.

It could be I have commitment issues or just that I like options
But, this way the shirt can change as I do.

Then Owyn needed a little summer frock

And I am continuing to add to my dream bag as needed.
I wear it and then add a new pocket when it's called for.
Soon it will be beyond custom.
I may consider dating it.

This is part of the inside view.
 Lately I'm just sewing in little bags I have collected into the large bag.

With two kids the day of the little bag is long behind.
And this way they work as pockets