
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life's little mysteries.

One of the cool things for me
about making short people,
is the necessity of sustaining mystery.

There is so much magic in childhood.

So many unknowns,
 & unknowables.

So much beauty,

inexplicable divinity.

There are the games of life to master.

And so many purple questions.

At our house,
a lot of wondering has been going on...

About this fairy door.

When opened,
it clearly says :
"Fairy entrance, use magic".

So that seems clear.

But that's all that's clear.

How did the door get there?
Who's it for?
What IS magic?

And how do we participate in both
the little mysteries,

And the big ones.

I'm really loving the wondering aloud stage.

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