In the sage words of Britney Spears
"ooops I did it again".
I bought more echino fabric.
I can't help myself.
The good news is Pu was just as keen &
earmarked the purple cars pronto.
These feature a super easy & quick ribbon back tie.
And when combined with purple shoes
make you ride your bike extra fast.
Even if, a little wobbly.
Then, because purple is excellent...
and I also cracked and got some organic birch fabric...
the little sister got her own version.
She still needs to work on her shoe accessories.
Also on wearing pants.
The shirring needs a little tweaking on this one.
We'll see how it looks post dryer.
Happy sunny days.
I'm linking at So You Think You're Crafty this week
I'm linking at So You Think You're Crafty this week