
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"G" is for Grumpy, Grey, Garland, Goof

I'm playing along with Katy from
No Big Dill as she
Sew's All 26 letters of the alphabet.
Today is "G"


That's right G-R-U-M-P-Y!!

My littlest one makes the WORST/ BEST
pissed at the world- stink eye faces.

This one is totally light weight
and she was joking.
She is,
perhaps like a lot of the youngest ones,
determined, bossy and...loud!

She wakes up early and yells out a list of demands.

And no matter how calmly, and constructively
I say things like:
"Inside voice,
 please, thank you, 
gentle voice, don't wake your sisters etc."

She gets louder and more surly
and more drunk-biker-at-a-meat-draw.

It's really a force to reckon with.
Hostage takers be warned: skip this one.

the kid deserves some pants :)

I'm burning through this flannel.
Cozy, sooo soft. More from Anna Maria Horner's
LOU LOU line

This fabric is called
"Flower go round"

And Goof.
Can you see it?

I took one sewing class
 and what the instructor swore
& I should have learned
is stop sewing after 10pm-
because mistakes happen.

These I stitched up waaay past that deadline.
Thus: the pockets are completely not symmetrical.
I tried to balance things with the little girl patch.
But whoops. GOOF!

One of Yu's favorite books remains
Happy Baby, Sad Baby.
On her pocket tag you can flip from a grouch
to a happy kid.
I am not afraid to use a visual aid!!

When she's not making stink face at the world,

She's quite the


And, that's why the crotchety old man expressions
 are so incongruous and effective

Here she looks like an angel skipping through the grass.

It's equally possible she just eye gouged a senior citizen
and that's their purse she's running to the pawn shop with.  

Well...not this time.

Have you ever seen such an innocent ?!

You've been warned.