
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

My paintings always like visitors at

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cheating my way to success.

 a while backand it struck me as genius.
I may have actually pooped glee.

OK, that was an unnecessary poop reference
But, it's been that kind of day...

I have girls (noted ad nauseam)
and when I started sewing I made dresses.

I also got gifted a few,
 and really before a baby walks
they are totally impractical.

But use the above tutorial to turn them into
 a romperoveralls, or baby zootsuit.
and function happens!

I dig sweet function!

I didn't make the above 'dress' but I did convert
 itand now and Yu wiggles her thang,
revving her back end for new crawling,

The legs don't get caught up in dress,
and she's off!!!

And with a good little cheat,
this dress that got no love
 is also off on an adventure!


  1. Oh my..I do believe its been a very long time since I visited here much so that another girl has been added to the nest :) Beoootiful!
    Thanks so much for your visit and lovely comments.
    ps..I heartily ARE for dudes too :)xx

    1. Ha! Yes, major creation foray into new kid! 3 is all for us, so painting again in a few more years. I'm totally curious about marrying sewing and resin or encaustic- you lead the way! ;)
