
an attempt to grab creativity amidst the chaos.

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Merry Happy Rockin' Summer

Hi All!

We've been on a bit of a summer adventure.

We're still making things

In fact, quite a lot of things...

for our upcoming block party.

We're making silly games like 
tic tack toe frisbee

Lot's of sustainable signage

And fun prizes that can be used year after year.

Even Giant Jenga!!

Which may have started as a fun kids
project for the block party...

But I'm not going to lie:
I think it's going to be a fun grown up
drinking game too!

There has also been the usual:
Swimming, popsicles, trips, fun.

Our boulevard garden continues to delight us.

And the local butterflies seem to agree 

I'm headed back to the pom pom sweatshop

Hope to see you there.

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